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Studies on the characterization of soils using surface waves carried out continuously since 1999 until today, gave rise to 3 patents , the creation of a spin-off company (Géowave Inc.), the development of several algorithms and 3 software for data processing. A marketing project has also been supported by the UdeS University Liaison Office (BLEU) and the Applied Research Products Marketing Company of UdeS (SOCPRA). This research has also resulted in a series of international papers and research reports to industry. Soil characterization using surface waves is the cornerstone of my research. Indeed, the MMASW method (MultiModal AnalysisofSurfaceWaves) developed for 20 years now is a mature technology, used in almost all geotechnical projects including the large-scale works of HydroQuébec as for example, the Péribonka dam, the dam La Romaine II, the Beauharnois Canal, etc. The method has also been used across Canada (Zeballos Lake Dam in Vancouver) and in France and Switzerland (Oulin metro, Mont Blanc tunnel, etc.). The development of the MMASW method has paved the way for other research projects and new developments. For some years, we have been working on the development of a technique based on surface waves, which makes it possible to characterize the state of buried structures. On the other hand, another method has been developed in recent years for the detection of cavities below pavements. Surface wave analysis is also an opportunity for my research team to access a large database that has allowed us to improve our understanding of the influence parameter between Vs and geotechnical parameters. 


Soil Dynamics and Geotechnical Engineering group

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